Yes and what is the point of getting involved with the courts? Watchtower tramples truth to the ground. They take your words and wrap them round your neck. But if you grab hold of Jesus' words, you can wrap them round their neck. They hate it.
Anna Marina
JoinedPosts by Anna Marina
QUITTING QUIETLY here is the Canadian version of the document
by gone for good ina while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .!avoitfxyvyqghq3gbmkhfyqp_jqp?e=8bttg1.
Anna Marina
QUITTING QUIETLY here is the Canadian version of the document
by gone for good ina while back, i suggested that an easy, quick, quiet exit with the signing and dating of a concise and irrefutable document would spur faders and pimos to preempt the elders' interference by quitting quietly first , before a fade or a confrontation.
here is the document .!avoitfxyvyqghq3gbmkhfyqp_jqp?e=8bttg1.
Anna Marina
A Christian has to have freedom of speech - I am not sure if it really extends to others. I know the right to freedom of speech is bandied around and falls flat on its face before political correctness. But Christian freedom of speech does not because if you prevent Christians from having freedom of speech you attack their religion which is politically incorrect.
(Hebrews 3:6) . . .but Christ [was faithful] as a Son over the house of that One. We are the house of that One, if we make fast our hold on our freeness of speech and our boasting over the hope firm to the end. . .
So Watchtower attack Christian freedom of speech. I managed to silence an elder with that one, I looked him in the face and asked if he was calling Jesus and apostate. He was about to say YES. Instead he gagged. That's how you shut them up.
Other from my ex-cong have been causing deafening silences amongst the elders. Impressive work is being done.
The bird that had options to leave, but chose to be mentally enslaved
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 1, 2001. make your advancement manifest.
8 first, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned.
he does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to bible understanding.
Anna Marina
This is a bit like Watchtower - a woman is being scammed but the scammers are trying to make her not listen to the man who is warning her she about them.
Because she is confused she does not act decisively and hang up. Eventually she becomes suspicious and the man manages to prevent her from being taken in.
The bird that had options to leave, but chose to be mentally enslaved
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 1, 2001. make your advancement manifest.
8 first, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned.
he does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to bible understanding.
Anna Marina
And they call in eagles as if making a home for them. Then, in their folly they think they have caught something and construct bars of wet paper. Tolerant eagles are puzzled by their absurd behaviour and kindly try to readjust their thinking. But then they turn out to be eagle killers. So the eagle flaps off, leaving them covered in their wet paper. Such material never had the power to hold an eagle.
Even tiny little wrens have a good chance of escape if they give it a go. But that's the point of the opening post - they choose not to give it a go. Sad, because unless they do, they are guilty of supporting a corrupt organization.
(Revelation 18:4-5) . . .And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. . .
Do You Believe In A “Deep State”?
by minimus inor do you think the idea of a deep state is malarkey?
Anna Marina
Music can also provide a social glue. Can really make you feel part of something as the publishers here are demonstrating. See they have something really special to share with the authorities.
Do You Believe In A “Deep State”?
by minimus inor do you think the idea of a deep state is malarkey?
Anna Marina
Rulership has to be justified. If you win a war - might is what gives power but might fails.
When the Pope handed out vials of oil to anoint various rulers, the populations believed in the Pope's right because he claimed to be acting on Jesus Christ's behalf. Christian values are the best form of social glue and if the poplulation can't read, few can challenge dodgey practices of those higher up.
Anyone managing a team knows they have to take people with them. So does a ruler. So how do you convince people of authority?
Napoleon used his military/celebrity status. He also got religion. He knew he could not console the poor but religion was a comfort for the poor.
A ruler has to maintain a status quo - unless you have actually ruled a population, you don't know all the techniques used to manage a country. But if your country used to be Christian, then you've become so powerful you are ruling countries with different religions - you've got to do a PR job to present yourself as a multi-faith atheist.
Deep state? Yes deep hole. If they the keep going they should pass the event horizon. But they gotta go some to catch up WT. But hey, the ever-helpful publishers have been busy writing letters to the authorities.
The bird that had options to leave, but chose to be mentally enslaved
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 1, 2001. make your advancement manifest.
8 first, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned.
he does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to bible understanding.
Anna Marina
These words are significant
when it comes to Bible UNDERSTANDING
By mixing WT teachings with the Bible, understanding is actually prevented.
When you only suspect something is wrong, you do not act with the same level of conviction as when you know something is wrong.
Therefore some sit in their cage because they are hedging their bets, just in case it is right. It's not but they can't work out why it is not. Possibly they can't work it out because they are too busy chasing privileges or other.
(2 Timothy 3:6-7) . . .For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.
My response to a letter I received from a JW doing FS
by smiddy3 init is a response to a letter i received to explain god`s kingdom and to refer me to
type written but signed personally.. and this page looks like it has been photo-copied.
so obviously he has sent many more around this community.. i intend to send this letter back with my hand written response as follows.
Anna Marina
Oh Smiddy - I like to give them my full name and address - you end up with these wonderful tumbleweed moments. So these zealous preachers are... hmmm... where? And their response is... silence. It's very peaceful and relaxing.
It's not really as much faff as this but keeping vampires at bay ain't that difficult. You just pull out your Bible and slap 'em with the Scriptures.
Anyway be interesting to hear if anyone gets back to you. I'll do my letter when I've finished my next vid. Nearly there. Just around the corner - I hope. :)
by pixel indecember 25, 2020. to selected bodies of elders assigned to the covid-19.
re: adjustments to arrangements for meeting family food needs during the covid-19 pandemic.
dear brothers:.
Anna Marina
All of us here have experienced how two-faced Watchtower is. Yes it pretends to be Christian but they are not.
Genuine charity and sharing is a fundamental Christian value:
(Acts 2:44) . . .All those who became believers were together in having all things in common,
(Matthew 6:3-4) . . .But you, when making gifts of mercy, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, 4 that your gifts of mercy may be in secret; then your Father who is looking on in secret will repay you. . .
That said, I remember an African sister telling me how two-faced a Catholic priest in Africa was. She explained to me that the British would send their clothes off for charity but when they reached her part of Africa they ended up in the hands of a priest who would only give the clothes away in return for an act of prostitution.
I have no detailed facts for this story, therefore I cannot assess how true it is. But I can imagine such senarios taking place (not only with clothes but also with food) in both secular and religious settings where people are being two-faced.
what is This weekend watchtower trash about. Wife is in cult mode 12-27-20
by goingthruthemotions inso what is this weeks watchtower trash about.
wife is in cult mode and trying to see if there is a link.. thanks.
Anna Marina
1895 was an important year...
They changed the cover of the Watchtower.
*** w80 7/1 p. 6 par. 5 “Watchman, What of the Night?” ***
Appropriately, on January 1, 1895, the Watch Tower magazine changed its front-cover design to show a corner watchtower at the edge of a raging sea. Also, at the bottom of the page under this new design, the magazine displayed the following words based on Luke 21:25-31 (AV) in italic letters: “Upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves (the restless, discontented) roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear and for looking forward to the things coming upon the earth (society); for the powers of the heavens (ecclesiasticism) shall be shaken. . . . When ye see these things come to pass, then know that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Look up, lift up your heads, rejoice, for your redemption draweth nighLooks like I managed to get it in the video. I didn't plan it that way. You'll see it towards the end of the video.